Saturday 19 April 2014

Priyanka Chopra: Wrapped one of the hardest schedules of my life | The Indian Express

Priyanka Chopra: Wrapped one of the hardest schedules of my life | The Indian Express

What is Karate?

"True karate is this: that in daily life one's mind and body be trained and developed in a spirit of humility, and that in critical times, one be devoted utterly to the cause of justice."
-- Gichin Funakoshi 

Karate translated either means "Chinese hand" or "Empty hand" depending on which Japanese or Chinese characters you use to write it.

Okinawan Karate styles tend to be hard and external. In defense they tend to be circular, and in offense linear.Okinawan Karate styles tend to place more emphasis on rigorous physical conditioning than the Japanese styles. Japanese styles tend to have longer, more stylistic movements and to be higher commitment. They also tend to be linear in movement, offense, and defense. 

Both tend to be high commitment, and tend to emphasize kicks and punches, blocks, strikes, evasions, throws, joint manipulations and a strong offense as a good defense. Karate techniques consist basically of hand and foot techniques. Hand techniques are divided into defensive or offensive moves. Foot techniques are divided into kicking techniques; snap and thrust kicks. Other important elements of Karate include stances, posture, body shifting, hip rotation, and breathing. 

Training differs widely but most of the Karate styles emphasize a fairly equal measure of basic technique training (kihon), sparring (kumite), and forms (kata). Forms are stylized patterns of attacks and defenses done in sequence for training purposes. 

An art of self-defense as well as a sport, Karate has in recent decades proliferated worldwide. It is one of the most widely practiced of the Asian martial arts, with a large following in the U.S., Japan and Europe. Karate 
The History of Karate

According to legend, the evolution of Karate began over a thousand years ago, possibly as early as the 5th century B.C. when Bodhidharma, a Buddhist Monk arrived in Shaolin-si, China from India and taught Zen Buddhism. He also introduced a set of exercises designed to strengthen the mind and body. Bodhidharma's teachings later became the basis for the majority of Chinese martial arts. In truth, the origins of Karate appear to be somewhat obscure and little is known about the early development of Karate until it appeared in Okinawa. Sometime between the years 1784 and 1903, the term karate replaced that of Te. This new name reflected the synthesis of the native Okinawan martial arts of Te with the influence of the Chinese Martial Arts the Okinawans had been exposed to. 


Karate-do was modified and transformed into a way of life by Master Gichin Funakoshi in 1905. Before this, it was just a group of techniques that permitted self-defense without weapons. Weapons bans, imposed on the Okinawans at various points thoughout their history, encouraged the refinement of empty-hand techniques and, for this reason, was trained in secret until modern times. Further refinement came with the influence of other martial arts brought by nobles and trade merchants to the island. Born in 1868, Funakoshi began to study karate at the age of 11, and was a student of the two greatest masters of the time, Yasutsune Itosu and Yasutsune Azato. 

The first public demonstration of karate in Japan was in 1917 by Funakoshi, at the Butoku-den in Kyoto. This, and subsequent demonstrations, greatly impressed many Japanese, including the Crown-Prince Hirohito, who was very enthusiastic about the Okinawan art. In 1922, having mastered two major styles of Karate, Funakoshi, then President of the Okinawa association of the Spirit of Martial Arts, was chosen to demonstrate Karate at the first National Athletic Exhibition in Tokyo. This led to the introduction of the ancient martial art to the rest of Japan. 

Other masters then helped spread Karate throughout the country and the rest of the world. A general Federation of Karate Organizations was established in 1964 after Karate achieved a following abroad. This federation's main concern has been to establish unified forms, rankings, and rules of competition, and to keep contact with overseas Karate associations. Over the years, numerous schools and styles have emerged, some emphasizing the strengthening of the body, while others focused on quick movement.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

12 Extreme Ways to Save Money That Could Work for You

12 Extreme Ways to Save Money That Could Work for You

Home Internet service isn't cheap — costing $40 (or more) a month. The truth is, if you're not a big Internet user, you can probably survive without the service. Use your smartphone if you have a data plan, and there's always the option of using free Wi-Fi at a fast food restaurant, coffee shop, or the library. Also, if your neighbor has a strong signal, ask permission to use his or her Wi-Fi. Offer to share the cost, or maybe barter something in exchange?
Have you tried any extreme measures to save money? Did they work for you?

Thursday 10 April 2014

Larger than Life Awards for Grad Students - Fastweb

Larger than Life Awards for Grad Students - Fastweb

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If you're heading back to complete your education or looking for a new option, please consider the offer below from our partner advertiser, Patten University of Martial Arts, which allows you to complete your fully accredited Associate's, Bachelor's, or Master's degree online and at your own pace without taking on any federal or private student loan debt.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Martialyogarts Workouts.MW*

 Martial Arts Sites on the Web 

Disclaimer: The information on these pages relates to my professional and personal interests. While work such as the technical papers listed here may have been done while at Agilent/HP, the opinions listed here are my own and are statistically independent from those of my employer. In other words, don't get mad at Agilent if you something I say in here disagrees with you.

Submitting a new martial arts site to the list ...


San Francisco Bay Area

  • International Shaolin Kenpo Association posted by their webmaster, Joe Nolan. ( ) He writes:
    Web site for the organization which was created by Great Grandmaster Ralph Castro. The web site has photos, articles, biographies, and links to home pages of member schools, and is a source of martial arts information and history.
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    Other Japanese Styles

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  • Capoeira Of San Jose at 1042 Park Ave. San Jose, CA. Posted by Michael Johns ( (Some really nice animations on this one. -- DYA)
  • Capoeira Schools posted by Illona (
  • Capoeira Schools posted by Illona (
  •  posted by Illona (
  • Abada Capoeira posted by Illona (
  • Mision: Capoeira Moves posted by Nymski ( ). They write:
    I am trying to collect here all capoeira moves. Please help me if you can!
  • Shinshin Kushin Kai Bujutsu Dojo & Capoeira Foundation posted by Jamie Ellerbe ( They write:
    A little about our school. Our school is a school which teaches Ninjutsu, Aikijutsu, and Capoeira Angola for North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University under the leadership of Shihan Jamie Ellerbe (5th dan), and Capoeira student Instructor Mr. William Martin. We just have fun learning and teaching, we a not interested in martial arts politics. 
  •  posted by ( ).
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    Israeli Self Defense Systems

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    Women's Self Defense

    • Fighting Woman News posted by the executive editor, Sabrina B. Marin. She writes:Just wanted to let you know about the newest addition to the Dojo (Martial Arts Forum) here on AOL (the Dojo's also gone through an upgrade recently, in case you haven't seen it yet).
      You can now look at spotlighted articles from "Fighting Woman News" magazine either here or via our Web page on the Internet.
      For those of you previously familiar with FWN, the magazine changed owners in late October. We started out by putting FWN "online" and are also going to be adding some new departments and revamping the overall appearance of the print edition. Now, for those of you who may "not" be familiar with the magazine:
      "Fighting Woman News" magazine has been providing a quarterly communications medium by, for and about women in martial arts, self-defense and combative sports since 1975. Because FWN presents a balance of articles and departments covering topics ranging from the entertaining to the enlightening to the thought provoking, men are sure to enjoy the magazine also. However, FWN is aimed at the literate, adult woman seeking interesting and informative articles of particular relevance to females in training.
      If you, or any of the women you train with might be interested in finding out more about the magazine, we can be found:

      • On AOL - Keyword: MARTIAL ARTS / MA Area / FWN Online
      • On the Web/Net -
    • Bay Area Model Mugging
    • Assault Prevention Network Web Site
    • The Black Dragon Assn Page posted by Frances_Romney ( .This is a female martial artists association. There is no strict affiliation. Members are from all styles and forms. It includes a number of links to other pages.
    •  posted by ( ).
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    General University Pages

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    Miscellaneous/Multiple Style Schools

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    Martial Arts of the Indian Subcontinent

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    Martial Arts Magazines/E-zines

    • Aikido Today Magazine
    • BlackBelt Magazine Home Page
    • Focus Point Magazine, a Canadian Martial Arts publication. Posted by Bill Code (, the publisher. 
    • Fighting Woman News Since 1975, FWN has been a quarterly magazine by, for and about the literate, adult woman involved in martial arts, self-defense and combative sports.
    • WWW Page for Japanese Martial Arts Mag (Furyu)
    • Marital Arts Freeway Newsletter. Posted by Thomas Corizzi ( Send e-mail to to receive the newsletter.
    • FIGHT Online Magazine, a non-profit, on line magazine of the fighting arts. Posted by editor Christopher Benson (
    • High View Publications, who publish the Pa Kua Chang Journal and some videos. Posted by Tom Valesky ( To contact:
      P.O. Box 51967
      Pacific Grove, CA 93950
      Phone: (408) 622-0789
      nFax: (408) 622-0787
      Orders: (800) 413-8296
    • Fighting Systems Online Magazine posted by Don Smith (
      He describes it as, "The internet's premiere magazine of martial arts and self defense."
    • Free Martial Arts Ezine posted by Sensei J. Richard Kirkham ( Sensei J. Richard Kirkham ). They write:
      Free Martial Arts Ezine to all practicioners of karate, kung-fu, boxing, grappling arts. All martial artists and martial arts enthusiasts are welcome to enjoy and contribute to our world wide articles, classifieds, links, and space ads. Please add your link when you visit.
    • Koryu Online: Journal of the Classical Martial Arts of Japan posted by Diane Skoss (Publisher, Koryu Books, Tokyo) ( She writes:
      Koryu Online offers reliable, accurate material on the Japanese martial arts. Focusing primarily on the classical warrior traditions of Japan, we feature works by the world's foremost authorities, impeccably researched and attractively presented. Photographs, articles, events listings, book and media reviews, and recommended web site links are updated monthly.
    • Mieir-King Services posted by Sifu Richard Mieir-King ( ). He writes:
      Sifu Richard Mieir-King, 12750 Centralia Street, Suite 213, Lakewood, CA 90715-2426
      Mieir-King Services Webpages have a martial arts newsletter that the readers are welcome to contribute to, an events listing, useful martial arts products such as booklets, videos, herbal liniments, and more. We also have information on martial arts organization that you may join called U.F.A. and T.K.O. Our styles are 5 Animals and 5 Families Kung-Fu, visit our web site to learn more about us, our organization, classes, and products.
    • Official page of "Kempo: martial arts today and yesterday" magazine and "Combat Machine" - Russian self-defence and street-fight system posted by Alex Levitas ( They write:
      'Combat Machine' - Russian self-defence and street-fighting system. System include fighting in any range, against single or multiple opponents, defence against weapons and usage of weapons or environmental tools. 'Kempo: martial arts today and yesterday' - magazine, dedicated to practical and traditional aspects of martial arts and to realistic self-defense.
    • Roundhouse, the Magazine for the Serious Martial Artist posted by David Mitchell, Editor ( He writes:
      Roundhouse, the Magazine for the Serious Martial Artist, is the world's first fully on-line martial arts publication. Featuring event highlights, stars of today's competitions, cutting edge training advice, and in-depth looks at all of the martial arts -- Roundhouse has more to offer than any print or internet martial arts magazine.
      We're reaching out now, with the launch of our premiere issue, to invite the online martial arts community worldwide to read Roundhouse. Roundhouse is challenging, insightful and thought-provoking. Visit Roundhouse, at -- and enjoy the martial arts magazine that doesn't play to the lowest common denominator.
    • Tae Kwon Do Journal Magazine On-Line posted by Grand Master James S. Benko, Ph.D. ( They write:
      Tae Kwon Do Journal On-Line Contains Feature Articles, News, Links, and On-line Video and Book Catalogs for your Enjoyment. Come Visit Tae Kwon Do Journal)
    • The Traditional Karate E-zine posted by Bill Woodard "Shihan" (
    • Jitsuka posted by Preston Jitsu Club ( ). They write:
      Magazine site for anyone interested in jujitsu or martial arts in general.
    •  posted by ( ).
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    Personal Security, Counter Terrorism and Counterintelligence Pages

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    Fitness Pages

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    Miscellaneous Pages

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  • Martial Arts Humor

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  • Movies, Television, and Other Schlock

    American Teachers Association of the Martial Arts (ATAMA) Related Sites

    • ATAMA Home Page hosted by the Stanford Self Defense Club.
    • Raymond "Duke" Moore Web Site. Duke was the founder of the Zen Budokai System and co-founder of ATAMA.
    • Fred Buck Web Site. Fred Buck is one of the senior instructors in ATAMA.
    • "Bernie" Weiss on Self Defense: a series of articles. From the page: Bernd Weiss was a psychologist, reserve police officer and college professor. He was chief instructor of the nonprofit Topanga Karate School in California and practiced martial arts from 1955 until his untimely death in November, 1998. He was a 7th degree black belt in Shotokan Karate. His unique mix of skills, training and profession ideally suited him for writing on a topic where body awareness, psychological perspective and physical training are important in the practice of the art.
      Personal opinion: I knew Bernie Weiss. He was a very industrious character who was never shy about telling you what he thought. Luckily for him and us, Bernie's thoughts were far above average. He was very active in ATAMA (president for a few years), and well respected through out the organization. These articles fall into that well thought out nature. It is good that these have been published so that some essence of the person can still be shared.-- DYA, 8/11/99
    • San Francisco Zen Budokai Aiki Jujitsu is the school of Professor Tim Delgman, chosen by Duke Moore to be the future head of Zen Budokai. The system is heavily involved with ATAMA.
    • Stanford Self Defense Club, which uses the Zen Budokai System of Aiki Jujitsu founded by Duke Moore.
    •  posted by ( ).
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